CALIP Normandie was at the orientation & careers fair

Calip - salon orientation et metiers
CALIP Normandie - Salon orientation et métiers

👏 More than 25,000 visitors were welcomed to the Normandy Regional Orientation and Careers Fair, organized by theNormandy Orientation and Careers Agency !

📍 For three days, middle and high school students and people in retraining had the opportunity to interact with professionals from the 17 thematic centers. More than 150 professions were presented through ambassador pitches, fun activities and exciting discussions with professionals!

Our missions at this show:

⚙️ To introduce the professions of precision machining, often unknown to young audiences, such as operator on machining center, adjuster on machining center, controller (metrology).

🤩 Encourage vocations in the industrial sector.

📣 Communicate about professions in tension.

Successful bet !
Our teams enthusiastically shared their journey and their professional development in a constantly evolving sector of activity.

Congratulations to all ! 🌟

CALIP Normandie - Salon orientation et métiers

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