
CALIP GROUP offers you "advanced mechanics"

CALIP Group specializes in production of complex parts with high added value in milling and turning.

 We are interested in the valuation of metal

  • by being attentive to new technologies, new machines and any new operating mode
  • working with most metals and alloys
  • by working with any machined or mechanically welded part

We machine parts from billets and from casting blanks.

The machine park is essentially made up of 3, 4 and 5 axis CNC machining centers and latest generation lathes such Integrex machines, allowing the machining of aluminum alloys, hard metals, copper, carbon ...

We manage the entire supply chain : surface treatment, painting,…, up to the assembly and assembly of your sets.


  • 5-axis continuous milling 1150x650x650 with EROWA
  • 4-axis milling 1150x640x660
  • 3-axis milling 2000x820x720
  • CNC turning - Ø 350mm lg 860mm
  • Deburring under binocular and camera
  • 3d control